Our physiotherapists recently took courses in IASTM and I decided to write a little about IASTM to help our clients learn a little about this physiotherapy technique. IASTM can be done with a special tool called M2T blade. IASTM is not a painful or invasive procedure. It can only be performed by a physiotherapist who is trained in IASTM. Typically, the physiotherapist will apply pressure over specific points on patient's body with the M2T blade in an effort to stimulate fibroblasts and scar adhesions also known as "fibrous tissue". At Crocus Care we our physiotherapists provide treatment with M2T blade. This treatment is covered by most insurance standard private payments so there is no need to pay extra out of pocket.
Conditions treated with IASTM:
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Neck, back, hip, ankle Pain
Rotator Cuff Tendinitis
Tendinitis (rotator cuff, patellar, tibialis, heel, achilles)
DeQuervain's Syndrome
Myofascial Pain
Muscle sprain and strain
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy - RSD
Surgical and Traumatic Scars
